Chemical and physical contamination of the indoor and outdoor environment VITO Unit Environmental Risk and Health, team Air Quality Measurements Marianne Stranger marianne.stranger [at] (marianne[dot]stranger[at]vito[dot]be) Biological contamination of the indoor environment THL National Institute for Health and Welfare, Department of Environmental Health, Environmental Microbiology Unit (Finland) Martin Taubel martin.taubel [at] (martin[dot]taubel[at]thl[dot]fi) Measurements by Servaco Food Control Servaco Food Control Building Ventilation – ventilation systems Ghent University Architecture and Urbanisation, Research group of Building Physics and Installation techniques Jelle Laverge jelle.laverge [at] (jelle[dot]laverge[at]ugent[dot]be) Building insulation – Sustainability of buildings VITO Unit Transition Energy and Environment, Team MACS Stijn Verbeke marianne.stranger [at] (stijn[dot]verbeke[at]vito[dot]be) Noise Nuisance due to ventilation - Acoustics WTCB Technological Advice centre Acoustics Bart Ingelaere marianne.stranger [at] (bart[dot]ingelaere[at]bbri[dot]be)